Interscience Sdn Bhd (Trading as ITS Labshop Malaysia) is ensuring that our valued customers’
Personal Data and ALL parties who have transactions with Interscience Sdn Bhd (hereinafter
referred to as “data subjects”) are protected. Please read the Statement of Privacy to be more
aware about our policy on collecting, using and disclosing any information. This Privacy
Policy defines how Interscience Sdn Bhd processes (which means amongst others, collecting,
recording, holding or storing) your personal data.
Interscience Sdn Bhd reserves the right to revise and/or amend this Privacy Policy at any
time, the updated version of which shall be posted in Interscience Sdn Bhd’s website. Unless
you contact Interscience Sdn Bhd with regard to the same (Interscience Sdn Bhd’s contact
details are provided at paragraph 7 below), you will be deemed to have accepted the updated
version of this Privacy Policy.
1. Collection of Personal Data
In the course of your dealings with Interscience Sdn Bhd, we may collect and/or you may
have provided data and information about yourself (Personal Data) to Interscience Sdn Bhd.
The personal information we collect may include your: